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Mom and kids outside reading a book, homeschool, in the garden

e-book and guide

Create your own FREEDOM!

My Philosophy

Harnessing Your Potential

First we must open our minds to more.  Know that at any age we have the ability to grow, heal, and become more to ourselves.  We, inevitably, face road blocks and encounter detours on our journey, but the choice is yours to make.

Do you stop there and say “This is too hard, I don’t trust I can do this.”  Or do you consult that internal GPS and find your way going around the obvious route?  We are faced with many choices in life, this is the main one.  This is about your #1, YOU.  

 Hi!  I’m Nikki.  I am a mother of 5 beautifully unruly and unique children.  The oldest three were adopted from foster care, and the youngest two came during our time of fostering also.  I have always been described as fun, open minded, humanitarian, and motherly by my friends and family.  

I worked in Corporate America for a pretty big wig company in the past, but in 2013 I decided to leave that behind and follow my passion.  Helping others be successful.   I have a degree in Business Management/Entrepreneurship, and Certifications in Child Psychology, Psychology, Trauma Informed Care, R.A.D., Autism Awareness, and I am a Certified Master Life Coach.  I have started, grown, run, and sold many successful businesses over the last decade- all while balancing family and fostering.  

I enjoy gardening, rock collecting, playing with my dog, traveling, soul searching, and using FOOD to heal the body.  I am always learning because there is so much to know! And I love sharing what I learn and know with others. 

I look forward to getting to know you, and work with you too!


DISCLAIMER: We don’t believe in “get rich quick” programs. If you’re looking for a push button system that will make you rich or do all the work for you or magically create a laptop lifestyle without you learning new skills or putting forth any effort, then this information is NOT for you. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others with excellence and integrity. We do not make any guarantees at all about your ability to get results or earn money with our ideas, information or strategies. While we firmly believe this information can make a massive difference to your life/business, we also know that, just as with anything else in life, your results will depend entirely on your own time, effort, energy and commitment. For those that find this guide helpful or valuable, there will be an offer on the next page to set up a one-on-one call with Kristy to discuss what is currently working (and not working) in order to help set up a plan to help you achieve what you are searching for. If you appreciate this no-nonsense approach to doing business and you recognize that anything worth achieving in this life is also worth working for, then you may be a perfect fit for what we have to offer and we’d love to help you succeed.